Dat’l Hook Ya Crispy Garlic Chicken Wings
We love wings and we love garlic! Lets get the two together in an easy fashion. These wings are sooooo crispy! The meat stays juicy and the crust has a nice crunch. The oil temp is lower than usual so the garlic does not burn. When first starting, cook one wing at a time to make sure you have the right temperature. Too high the garlic will burn and get a bitter taste, too low and you won’t get the crisp.
Canola Oil
12 Chicken wings
3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp Dat’l Hook Ya Sauce (use 2 tbsp if you want more spicy dipping sauce)
1 tbsp Dat’l Hook Ya blackened seasoning
1 tbsp Whipped cream cheese
1 tbsp Mayo
1 Shallot sliced
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp Soy sauce ( use a gluten free version to make entire recipe gluten free)
1/3 cup Corn Starch
In a food processor, add in the garlic, water and shallot. Blend until an even paste. Add more water if too thick, you want it to be a light paste. Take 1 tsp from this mix and add into a bowl with Dat’l Hook Ya sauce, Mayo, and whipped cream cheese. Mix and set aside. The cream cheese will be slightly clumpy in the mix. In a large bowl add the wings, the remainder garlic/shallot mix, soy sauce and Dat’l Hook Ya blackened seasoning. Mix until wings are evenly coated and let it sit 30 min. When ready to fry add in the corn starch and mix until coated. It will be a little clumpy. Heat the Canola oil to 320 degrees. This temp is VERY important so stick to it! Fry the wings 5 min or until done. It will have a nice brown texture. Plate with the sauce and enjoy!