Dat’l Hook Ya Pizza Roll

Dat’l Hook Ya Pizza Roll

Do you need a tasty appetizers for your party? Spice up your night with Dat’l Hook Ya pizza rolls. You’ll be treating your guests to flavors no frozen product could contend with. Recipe makes approximately 25 rolls and takes 15-30min. It depends how good you are at wonton wrappers 😊

¼ Cup finely diced onion

¼ Cup Finely chopped bell pepper

¼ Cup Mozzarella cheese (finely chop it)

¼ Cup Finely chopped peperoni slices

1/3 Cup Dat’l Hook Ya

12oz Package Wonton wrappers

Deep fryer

Mix onion, bell pepper, cheese, pepperoni, and Dat’l Hook Ya in a bowl. Wet the edges of the wonton and place in the middle 1/2tbsp of the filling. Place filling in a rectangular shape. This next part takes practice so go slow at first. Gently fold over the wonton and press edges gentle. Do not tear the wonton. If you get a hole, the filling will cook out. You should have the filling about 1/3 inch from the edge. Fry at 375 until golden brown which is about 1-2 minutes.

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